Óscar Mascareñas is a poet of sounds, movement and letters. He holds a PhD in Music, an MA in Chant and Ritual Song (both from the University of Limerick in Ireland), and a BSc in Industrial Physics and Engineering (from the ITESM, Mexico).
He has published work and given concerts, conferences and master classes extensively in Europe, the Americas and Africa. He was the founding course director of the BA in Voice and Dance, and was acting and assistant director of the MA Ritual Chant and Song at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance. He holds the Founding Cage-Cunningham Chair in Contemporary Performance at the Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey in Mexico.
Óscar’s inter-/trans-disciplinary research covers a wide range of subjects and disciplines including poetry, performance, improvisation, composition, radical pedagogy, Zen, Gregorian chant and the philosophy of sound and silence. Also a medieval vielle player and voice artist, he currently lectures and researches in improvisation, composition, chant and contemporary music at the Academy, and works independently as a writer, composer and performer internationally.
Óscar is interested in the relationship between sound and space and the impact of landscape on the creative process. He is currently working on an album about the Burren region in Co. Clare, Ireland, which will be released in 2021 by Diatribe Records.
His most recent book, Meditations on the Poetics of Experience was published by EROS Books in the Winter 2020.
- Humanities WGMember of the Social Sciences & Humanities Working Group.